We will reject forms submitted with incorrect or incomplete fees. Use the Fee Calculator to help you determine the correct fee.

Ensure that the form edition date and page numbers are visible at the bottom of the printed pages and that all pages have been completed with the same edition of the form.

Make sure that everything you write on the form is clear so the information you provided can be clearly read when we process your form. If you hand write your answers, use black ink.Do not mail a form that you have already submitted online.If you need help downloading and printing forms, read our instructions. You can download forms from our website, complete them electronically, and then print your forms to submit by mail. We will reject and return any unsigned form. Remember to sign your form in the space provided for your signature.These tips will help ensure we accept your application, petition, or request package for processing.

Form fees, eligibility requirements, fee waiver eligibility, required documents, and mailing addresses vary depending on the form you are filing and why you are filing it. Please be sure to carefully read and follow the form filing instructions. You may also order forms that are not available to file online on our Forms by Mail page.
#White manilla envelope for free
You may download and print forms for free from the All Forms page. If you are filing online, see our Tips for Filing Forms Online page.
#White manilla envelope how to
You can review the list of Forms Available to File Online, check out the Benefits of Filing Online, and learn how to Create a USCIS Online Account. This page contains tips for filing forms by mail.