
Me before you novel
Me before you novel

Sam Claflin ( The Hunger Games) plays Will Traynor, a quadriplegic man who requires 24-hour assistance following a road accident. Maybe laughing with tears running down your cheeks, but still. It will also set your heart on fire, but it's not just a typical tear-jerking romance: It even has moments that will make you laugh. Will’s parents, while initially delighted to see he is in better physical shape from the vacation, are crestfallen at Louisa’s resignation they know she was their last hope for Will’s survival.Me Before You will have you weeping uncontrollably. When they return to England, Louisa resigns. She storms off, refusing to speak to him for the rest of the trip. Will says he loves her, but he cannot live in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. She confesses she is aware of his plans to die through Dignitias. When he recovers, Louisa decides to tone down their plans to travel the world and to go to Mauritius, a beautiful island off the east coast of Africa. The unusual situation has forced this unambitious young woman to consider topics she normally never would: love, mortality, and making the most of life. At the hospital, Louisa contemplates his calluses that tell of a life of adventure. They plan to go on several vacations, but Will contracts a terrible case of pneumonia and remains at the hospital.

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She demands that he tell her precisely how to be adventurous, a subtle way for Louisa to show him that life is still worth living. Over time, Will encourages Louisa to lead the kind of adventurous life he is unable to lead anymore. Louisa takes Will out on more outings, and the two grow closer.

me before you novel

She does tell Treena about it, and the two brainstorm ways that they can show Will that life, even in his current state, is worth living. Louisa pretends not to know about Camilla’s plan.

me before you novel

Camilla, in agony over his wish to die, agrees to honor his wish, but only if he lives for six more months. He attempted to cut himself and bleed to death after Camilla refused to hire an end-of-life company, Dignitias, to assist with his suicide. One day, Louisa overhears Camilla and Will’s sister talking about Will’s suicide attempt. Despite their rocky start, Louisa and Will start to bond over the stories they share. A resentful Will often makes snippy comments to Louisa, whom he curtly calls, “Clark.” He becomes especially caustic after his former girlfriend, Alicia, becomes engaged to his best friend, Rupert. Will is an emotionally combative man whom Louisa does not want to work for, but her family’s impoverished situation encourages her to take the job anyway. Though Treena is unemployed, Louisa often feels overshadowed by Treena because her younger sister is so outgoing and garrulous. Katrina, “Treena,” is a single mother, and Louisa chooses to sleep in a closet so that Katrina and her daughter can have the larger room. The family’s youngest, Katrina, also lives with their mother. After a rude interaction with a mob of men at twenty, Louisa fears to venture out of the confines of her own small town.

me before you novel

Louisa is not the most adventurous of heroines. Camilla is married to Steven, a friendly businessman their marriage is on the rocks and further stressed by Will’s situation. His mother, Camilla, employs Louisa to rekindle his joy for life another full-time nurse, Nathan, already sees to his medical requirements. But now, he is incapable of moving, feeding himself, or having sex. Before the accident, Will climbed rocks at Yosemite, swam in Iceland’s volcanic hot springs, and had his pick of any gorgeous model out there. Will, who had led an action-packed life thanks to his intelligence and wealth, is angry at the world and wants nothing more than to die. Louisa is to care for Will Traynor, who, at thirty-five, has been paralyzed from the neck down for two years after a motorcycle hit him.

Me before you novel